Are you looking for a well and septic package deal? Depending on the project, we may be able to offer you a discount on a combined well and septic installation. If you are planning a new construction project in Waupaca, Portage or Waushara counties where public sewer service is not available, a Private On-site Wastewater Treatment System (POWTS) is required. A sanitary permit is required for these systems to ensure that wastes do not cause a public health hazard. A sanitary permit must be obtained prior to a building permit, prior to the start of construction.
Well And Septic Installations

Have You Had A Soil Test Taken?
A soil test needs to be taken, unless holding tank is to be installed. These tests must be performed by a Certified Soil Tester (CST) licensed by the State of Wisconsin. Soil test results will dictate the type and size of septic system is needed for your building project.
If the soils are suitable for a conventional (in-ground septic system) and the system is to serve a one or two family residence, the county can issue a sanitary permit without a state plan review.
If the soils dictate a mound system, in-ground pressure system, at-grade system or a holding tank, the plans may be either approved by the county or or the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services before a sanitary permit is issued. Plans for both county and state (if required) approval must be drawn by an architect, engineer, plumbing designer or the master plumber installing the system.
Please remember soil tests, review of permit applications, site inspections, etc. take time. Planing your building project well in advance to account for these requirements and timelines will make the installation of your well and septic go more quickly.
You Should Know
Excavation, which includes top soil stripping, is considered start of construction and is prohibited until a sanitary permit and building permit are obtained.
Do You Already Have A Sanitary Permit?
The application for a sanitary permit is typically the first step in the construction sequence, including well and septic installation. Later steps in the sequence, such as the request for an address, will require an accurate legal description for your property. It is important that a certified survey map or other instrument used for describing the land be available at the time the sanitary permit is applied for. This will ensure a smooth flow through the subsequent development process steps.
We can Help
Starting a new building project can be a daunting task. We know how the building process flows and can guide you through the steps needed for the installation of your well and septic. We’ll work with your building contractor to help lighten your load.
How Long Is A Building Permit Good For?
The building permit shall expire u003ca href=u0022 data-schema-attribute=u0022mentionsu0022u003e24 months after issuanceu003c/au003e if the dwelling exterior has not been completed.
How Long Does It Take To Get A Building Permit?
Action to approve or deny a uniform building permit application shall be completed u003ca href=u0022 data-schema-attribute=u0022mentionsu0022u003ewithin 10 business daysu003c/au003e of receipt of all forms, fees, plans and documents required to process the application, and completion of other local prerequisite permitting requirements.
What is UDC?
The statewide code for new homes in Wisconsin is the Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC), u003ca href=u0022 data-schema-attribute=u0022aboutu0022u003eSPS 320-325 of the Wisconsin Administrative Codeu003c/au003e and its adopted references. It is a uniform building code that applies across the state. Municipalities may not adopt a more or less stringent code. The UDC was developed and is updated with input from a citizens’ Uniform Dwelling Code Council.